Stress: Matter of Choice - Christian Emotional Wellness
Stress: A Matter of Choice -Christian Emotional Wellness By Linda Goldfarb Certified Physical Fitness Specialist Too often we are frantic to speed things up, determined to cram big things into small spaces, and forever trying to be everything to everyone, only to realize it’s an impossible task, leaving us frustrated and stressed out. Let's look at some principles of Christian emotional wellness. I’m reminded in Isaiah 58:11, “ The Lord will guide you always… You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail .” We are to lean on God in all things, as He will provide all of our needs. So instead of looking at the rest of this year as being full of “stress opportunities,” I wanted to share these “stress reducers.” I’m not sure where I first saw a similar list; this is definitely not an original concept. I have made a few changes, reflecting more of my personality. Cut these out and place them on your refrig...