Music and Instruments in the BIBLE

  • The history of Hebrew music goes back to the first person who beat a stick on a rock, and it extends to the temple orchestra and the "joyous sound" called for in Psalm 150. That first musician heard rhythm as he beat his primitive instruments.
  • For example, David is credited with inventing a number of instruments, although we do not know precisely what they were (cf. Amos 6:5). David called upon a chorus of 4,000 to offer praises to the LORD "with the instruments which I made to Praise" (I Chron. 23:5; cf. II Chron. 7:6; Neh. 12:6). David also composed songs, such as his lament over the death of Saul and Jonathan.
  • Though GOD directed Israel's social and religious development, the nation absorbed ideas from surrounding cultures. Israel was at a geographical crossroads and was exposed to ideas and customs from other parts of the world (Gen. 37:25), including musical style.
  • Many men of Israel married foreign wives whose customs gradually crept into Hebrew lifestyle. According to the collection of post-biblical Jewish writings called the Midrash, King Solomon married an Egyptian woman whose dowry included 1,000 musical instruments. If this is true, no doubt she brought musicians with her to play those instruments in the traditional Egyptian way.


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