Commuunication with god through Prayer

Day 1- When did men first begin to pray?
Genesis 4:26
Day 2- Who should pray?
1 Timothy 2:8 / Psalm 32:6
Day 3- Is prayer asking God for definite requests?
Matt.7:7-8,11 / John 16:24 / James 4:2
Day 4- Does God promise to hear our prayers?
2 Chronicles 7:14-15
Day 5 -Will God always answers our prayers?
John 15:7 / Luke 11:9 / Psalm 91:15 / Isaiah 65:24
Day 6- Is prayer ever refused?
Deuteronomy 3:26 / 2 Samuel 12: 15-23/ 2 Corinthians 12:8-9
Day 7- Is prayer just a synonym for wishful, positive thinking?
James 5:16
Day 8- Is there any reason to join with others to pray?
Matthew 18:19
Day 9- How long should our prayers be?
Ecclesiastes 5:2 / Matthew 6:7
Day 10- Are there physical positions that seem to be best for praying?
Genesis 24:26 / I Kings 8:54 / I Kings 18:42 / Matthew 26:39
Day 11- Where does real prayer take place?
Matthew 6:6 / Luke 6:12
Day 12- Is there a time when prayer should be offered?
Mark 1:35/ Psalm 55:17/ Psalm 88:1 / I Thessalonians 5:17
Day 13- Should we ever pray for physical needs that we have?
Matthews 6:11 / Genesis 28:20-21
Day 14- How often can we ask God for something we really want?
Genesis 18:20-33
Day 15- Is prayer a command of God?
I Thessalonians 5:17 / Matthew 7:7/ Luke 18:1
Day 16- Can we be punished for not praying?
Jeremiah 10:25
Day 17- How does God view the prayers of his children?
Revelations 5:8 / Revelations 8:3-4
Day 18- What are some of the conditions of successful prayer?
2 Chronicles 7:14
Day 19 -What are some of the conditions of successful prayer?
Jeremiah 29:13
Day 20- What are some of the conditions of successful prayer?
Mark 11:24
Day 21- What are some of the conditions of successful prayer?
I John 3:22
Day 22- What role does the Holy Spirit play in our prayers?
Romans 8:26-27
Day 23 -What happens to our prayers if we are disobedient?
Deuteronomy 1:45/ I Samuel 14:37/ 28:6
Day 24- What does God do if we have "secret sin" in our heart?
Psalm 66:18
Day 25- If we pray but then doubt that God will really hear or answer us what will happen to us?
James 1:5-8
Day 26- What happens if we pray with the wrong motives?
James 4:3
Day 27- How did God answer prayer for Moses?
Exodus 15:24-25
Day 28- How did God answer prayer for Gideon?
Judges 6:39-40
Day 29- How did God answer prayer for Elijah?
I Kings 18:37-38
Day 30- How did God answer prayer for Samuel?
I Samuel 7:9-10
Day 31- How did God answer prayer for the Early Church?
Acts 4:31


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