The sections on dates, people, books, and places provide much of the "general knowledge" about the Bible. 

Abraham and Sarah
2000-1700 B.C.
Israel's Exodus from Egypt
1275 B.C.
Reign of David Begins
1000 B.C.
Kingdom Divides into North and South
922 B.C.
Fall of Northern Kingdom
722 B.C.
Fall of Southern Kingdom
587 B.C.
Some exiles return from Babylonia
539 B.C.
Birth of Jesus
5 B.C.
Jesus' death and resurrection
A.D. 30 

Biblical Maps The Ancient World Old Testament Palestine Antioch & Damascus The Fertile Cresent
New Testament Palestine The Eastern Mediterranean
Bodies of Water Dead Sea Jordan River Mediterranean Sea Nile River
Sea of Galilee Red Sea
Old Testament Regions Egypt Assyria Babylonia Israel (Northern Kingdom)
Judah (Southern Kingdom Canaan
Old Testament Cities Samaria (city) Babylon
New Testament Regions Galilee Samaria (country) Judea
New Testament Cities Capernaum Nazareth Damascus Rome
Cities in Both OT & NT Jerusalem Bethlehem  

Festivals Day of Atonement Passover Sabbath
Places and
Objects for
Ark of the
Tabernacle or
Tent of Meeting
Temple Synagogue
Mount Sinai
Groups of
Assyrians Babylonians Gentiles Philistines
Pharisees Sadducees  


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